The most advanced and professional grow equipment in NZ
Subtotal : $6,851.00
The most advanced and professional grow equipment in NZ
Athena AG Balance is specially developed for buffering irrigation water to avoid swings in the pH, and give you more control and accuracy over nutrient application. This is particularly true when using reverse osmosis (RO), or soft water, as it tends to be more acidic due to the absence of minerals, and can cause lockout of essential nutrients.
The Athena Balance buffer is formulated with potassium silicate, which not only stablises the pH, but the silica offers additional benefits to your plants by improving photosynthesis, osmotic balance and nutrient uptake, cell and stem structure, and improves your plants resistance to stress, particularly abiotic stressors such as light, temperature, water, ultimately giving you a helping hand to produce strong, healthy plants, with superb yields of your fruit or flowers of choice.
Athena Balance is compatible with mechanical dosing systems, and not recommended for electronic dosing systems.
Can be used in any growing media.
Athena AG CaMg is a supplement boost for Athena’s 2-part formulas for when your growing conditions and or media are a little challenging, or your cultivar requires the extra calcium, magnesium, iron and nitrogen during the vegetation phase to really thrive and provide.
Athena CaMg is particularly useful when growing in inert media like clay pellets and coco, or in RO water systems, correcting the nutrient deficiencies without disrupting the overall balance of elements.
Application Rate: Add 2.5ml per gallon (3.8L) of water during all stages as needed.
Can be used in any growing media.
Athena AG PK is a balanced bloom booster designed to compliment Athena Bloom fertilizers during the mid-to-late flowering phase to help achieve yields of big juicy fruits and flowers of the highest quality.
Athena PK has been carefully formulated to contain the ideal elemental balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for your flowering plants, providing your plants with immediately available nutrients for maximum fruit and flower production, without causing a lockout of other essential minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium. This elemental balance is essential to achieve best possible crops with the tastiest terpenes and essential oils.
Application Rates: Add 3-10ml per gallon (3.8L) of water during the flowering phase starting in week 3.
Can be used in any growing media.
Athena AG Stack is a natural, high-quality, multi-purpose plant conditioner derived from kelp extract that promotes healthy growth and hearty flowering, and helps your plant reach it’s maximum flowering potential. Athena Stack can be used as a foliar spray and root drench that can help correct minor potassium deficiencies. It can also be used as a pre-transplant conditioner to help reduce stress and increase vigor, or a seed soak to help with germination rates and producing strong seedlings.
Instructions for use as a foliar spray or root drench: Apply once weekly from the final week of vegetative growth to week 4-5 of flowering, or once plants stop growing vertically. Cease foliar spray slightly earlier around week 3 of flowering.
Foliar Spray Directions: Mix 7ml per gallon (3.8L) water and spray thoroughly once weekly. Spray with lights off and allow to dry before turning on. Do not spray past week 3 of flowering.
Root Drench Directions: Mix 1-2ml per gallon (3.8L) of water in a weekly mix. Can be mixed with regular fertilizer recipe. Add last to reservoir.
Pre-Transplant Use: Mix 2ml per gallon (3.8L) water and bare root soak for 30-60 seconds prior to transplanting or water in solution after transplanting.
Seed Treatment: Mix 4ml per gallon (3.8L) water and soak seed for 1-2 minutes before sowing.
Athena Bloom A + B is the boost your plants need once they reach the business end of their lives – The fruiting and flower phase.
Athena Bloom A/B is a 2-part nutrient formula blended from high-quality macronutrients and chelated micronutrients, making element uptake more efficient across a wide pH range, and with any grow method and media. This results in faster bud production in greater numbers, and higher quality yields of your favourite fruits and flowers.
It’s all about chemical reactions. Turns out when certain elements of the highly concentrated part A and B are mixed and stored together, they react and clog together in a form which is unavailable to the plant.
This is why you first add part A, followed by part B in equal amounts.
Application Rates: Add 2-7ml of Athena Bloom B per gallon (3.8L) of water during the flowering phase.
Athena Bloom A and Athena Bloom B should always be used in equal amounts.
Athena Bloom A/B are sediment free and suitable for use with all dosing and irrigation systems, including fine drippers.
Can be used in any growing media.
Athena AG Grow A + B is a 2-part nutrient formula designed for use in the vegetative growth phase, setting up a healthy platform for some showtime flowering.
All of the hard work has been done for you, with Athena Grow A/B being carefully balanced to contain the ideal mineral ratios for optimum root development, cell and stem growth, photosynthesis and respiration, and overall plant health and development. This results in faster bud production in greater numbers, and higher quality yields of your favourite fruits and flowers.
It’s all about chemical reactions. Turns out when certain elements of the highly concentrated part A and B are mixed and stored together, they react and clog together in a form which is unavailable to the plant.
This is why you first add part A, followed by part B in equal amounts.
Application Rates: Add 2-5ml of Grow A per gallon (3.8L) of water during the vegetative growth phase.
Athena Grow A and Athena Grow B should always be used in equal amounts.
Athena Grow A/B are sediment free and suitable for use with all dosing and irrigation systems, including fine drippers.
Can be used in any growing media.
Athena IPM is a complete pest management formula that kills many soft-bodied insects and mildew on contact. When used as directed Athena IPM penetrates plant crevices and leaf surfaces where unwanted biotic diseases seek to colonize.
• Store closed in original packaging at a temperature between 45° F and 85° F.
You can check out Athena Blended Line Feed schedule