
The latest LED and plant growth information from our specialists


The ideal temperature for growing plants indoors

For the Experienced grower, there are Three Zones inside a grow tent to pay attention to:

Top of Canopy

Mid Canopy

Root Zone

Top of Canopy Temperature

Where to Hang Inkbird Temperature Probe: 20mm Above the top of your highest leaves

Best Temperature for top of canopy zone: 18-31C Degrees Celsius

Mid Canopy Temperature

Where to Hang Inkbird Temperature Probe: In the middle of your Canopy

Best Temperature for the mid canopy zone: 18-29C Degrees Celsius

Root Zone Temperature

Where to Hang Inkbird Temperature Probe: In the middle of your Canopy

Best Temperature for the root zone: 18-25C Degrees Celsius

Balancing your grow tent temperature with tent humidity

There is a close relationship between humidity and temperature when it comes to plant health and yield. If this balance is out of whack, your plants will suffer. The key is to hit the VPD sweet spots seen in the chart below.

The green values will give your plant optimal growing conditions because it’ll be able to breathe better and not lose too much moisture to the air requiring excessive irrigation.

The right temperature will also reduce the number of pathogens in your grow tent which will do away with the need for pesticides and fungicides.

VPD chart below

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The ideal temperature for growing plants indoors in a grow tent sits at around 18-28 degrees on average.

vpdchart 1 scaled 1
Solving temperature issues in your grow tent

To keep your grow tent temperature in check, you could manually adjust your peripherals every hour OR you could automate the problem away with Inkbird products

With a range of sensors and controllers you can monitor your grow tent conditions via Wifi and set up automations that allow you to turn your peripherals like fans on or off automatically.